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Mark Meadows Federal Court

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Mark Meadows Testifies in Georgia Courtroom on Trump Election Interference

Former White House Chief of Staff Claims Involvement in Questioning Results

Atlanta, Georgia - August 28, 2023

Mark Meadows, former President Donald Trump's final White House chief of staff, testified in federal court in Atlanta on Monday, admitting to participating in questioning the results of the 2020 presidential election. Meadows appeared before the court in connection with a sweeping 41-count indictment against Trump and 18 other defendants in Fulton County, Georgia, over their alleged attempts to interfere with the election.

During his testimony, Meadows acknowledged that he had met with state officials and Trump allies in Georgia after the election to discuss potential irregularities. He also admitted to having signed a letter requesting the Georgia Secretary of State to recall and re-examine absentee ballots.

Meadows' testimony adds to the growing body of evidence against Trump and his associates in the Georgia election interference case. The indictment alleges that Trump and his allies pressured state officials to overturn the election results, including by attempting to pressure Georgia Governor Brian Kemp to call a special legislative session to change the outcome.

The hearing marked the first time that Meadows has given public testimony about his role in Trump's efforts to overturn the election. The case is expected to go to trial later this year, and Meadows' testimony is likely to play a significant role in the outcome.

